Remember the Keating 5? McCain's and his bull crap dealings with finance and financial regulations led to the melt down of the savings & loan (S&L) industry in the 1980s, I prefer that this idiot continue to stay on the campaign trail rather than attempt to "fix" the USA financial problems.
Please allow me to ask a few questions here. Was he not just saying a few days ago that everything was fine? Do we want someone who can't see a red flag until it is wrapped around his head and suffocating him "fixing" things?
This thing absolutely does not have a clue about the economy or economics. McCain should stay far away from Washington, and I hope that voters in November keep him out of the White House, which is even more terrifying than the prospect of his Senatorial "fixing" of the situation. He is full of Bull Crap!!!!!!! AMERICA GET OFF YOUR ADDICTING LEGAL AND NON LEGAL MEDS AND WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!