Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Power of One

-- Author Unknown --

One SONG can spark a moment

One FLOWER can wake the dream

One TREE can start a forest

One BIRD can herald spring

One SMILE begins a friendship

One HANDCLASP lifts a soul

One STAR can guide a ship at sea

One WORD can frame the goal

One VOTE can change a nation

One SUNBEAM lights a room

One CANDLE wipes out darkness

One LAUGH will conquer gloom

One STEP must start each journey

One WORD must start a prayer

One HOPE will raise our spirits

One TOUCH can show you care

One VOICE can speak with wisdom

One HEART can know what is true

One LIFE can make a difference – You see, it’s up to you.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Funny Prank Phone Call

Some dude gets a phone call while in the mens locker.

Funny Prank Phone Call - Watch more free videos

BP to Pay Largest Criminal Fine Ever

It is with Extreme Delight that I found this story. I was so angry when I found this story. This did not hit the nightly world news or internet news. I wonder why?

BP to Pay Largest Criminal Fine Ever for Air Violations

Release date: 10/25/2007

Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 /

(Washington, D.C. - Oct. 25, 2007) Today, BP Products North America, Inc. agreed to pay a total criminal fine of more than $60 million for violations of federal environmental regulations in Texas and Alaska. In addition to the penalty, the company will spend approximately $400 million on safety upgrades and improvements to prevent future chemical releases and spills.

"BP committed serious environmental crimes in our two largest states, with terrible consequences for people and the environment," said Granta Nakayama, assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. "Today's agreement sends a message that these types of crimes will be prosecuted."

This is the largest criminal fine ever assessed against a corporation for Clean Air Act violations and the first criminal prosecution of the requirement that refineries and chemical plants take steps to prevent accidental releases. The requirement was passed in 1990 as part of the Clean Air Act following the explosion at the Union Carbide chemical plant in Bhopal, India where thousands were killed and injured.

BP will pay $50 million for a catastrophic explosion in 2005 that killed 15 people and injured more than 170 others at its Texas City refinery. BP will also pay a $12 million fine for spilling 200,000 gallons of crude oil onto the Alaskan tundra and onto a frozen lake in March 2006, resulting in the largest spill that ever occurred on the North Slope.

In addition to the $50 million fine, the company pleaded guilty to a felony violation of the Clean Air Act and will serve three years of probation for the Texas City incident. BP is also required to complete a facility-wide study of its safety valves and renovate its flare system to prevent excess emissions at an estimated cost of $265 million.

For the Alaska spill, BP pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor of the Clean Water Act and will serve three years probation, pay $4 million to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to support research and activities on the North Slope, and pay $4 million in restitution to the State of Alaska. BP is required to replace 16 miles of pipeline at an estimated cost of $150 million.

On March 23, 2005, an explosion occurred at the Texas City refinery when hydrocarbon vapor and liquid released from a stack and ignited during the process of increasing octane levels in unleaded gasoline. Investigators learned that operators regularly failed to follow written standard operating procedures for ensuring mechanical integrity of safety equipment. The stack where the release occurred had been in poor operating condition since at least April 2003. Alarms failed to function or were ignored.

The Texas City refinery is BP's largest U.S. refinery, which covers more than 1,200 acres and can process as much as 460,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The refinery was previously owned by Amoco, which merged with BP in December 1998.

In March 2006, BP spilled more than 200,000 gallons of crude oil on the North Slope in Alaska. A second spill occurred in August 2006, but was quickly contained after leaking approximately 1,000 gallons of oil. Investigators determined the leak was caused by a build up of sediment in the pipe, and that BP failed to properly inspect or clean the pipeline, which is required by law to prevent pipeline corrosion. The investigation revealed that in 2004, the company became aware of increased corrosion in the pipeline.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Billabong Odyssey Tour to Surf Huge Waves

This is so awesome! Check out this brave surfer!

It is Billabong Odyssey Tour to Surf the Huge Waves. This is Mike Parsons surfing the wave. He won the title as the Worlds Best Surfer!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Santiago Fire - KFI AM 640 offers $100,000 reward


KFI AM 640 today announced a $100,000 reward for new information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for setting the Santiago Fire.

“This brings the reward to a quarter of a million dollars. Let's hope this helps bring someone forward to solve this terrible crime,” said Robin Bertolucci, Program Director of KFI AM 640.

"If we're going to find the individual or individuals responsible, it's going to take a clue from the public," Sheriff Mike Carona said.

“Orange County Fire Authority would like to thank KFI for their generous contribution,” said Orange County Fire Chief Chip Prather.

The arson tip line is at (800) 540-8282.

Haunting Laguna Fire Images and Memories are still in my Mind

14 years ago THE LAGUNA FIRES was very haunting and I still have the images in my mind. I remember we were all evacuated from our homes. If you ask me If I have been sleeping response is, NOT AT ALL! I am haunted by the irrational fear that the fire would somehow "come back." You can say that I was traumatized by the LAGUNA FIRES.

Just in case the fires do decide to come back our way, I have our packed bag, personal family pictures, and heirloom's sitting in a corner waiting for the big evacuation and escape route. I should be sleeping but I can't. All I know is that the fire is out there. I know it is not burning my home but it is burning someone else's and it is very sad.

Santiago Canyon Fire Moving Towards Riverside

From the Orange County Register Fire Central

Santiago Fire grew to 22,000 acres Wednesday night, while containment of the flames shrank from 50 percent to 30 percent. Fire officials blame the difficult terrain. By GWENDOLYN DRISCOLL, ERIKA CHAVEZ and SARAH TULLY - The Orange County Register

Shifting winds, hot weather and dry brush are continuing to fan the flames of the Santiago fire and produce “very active fire behavior,” according to Angela Luedtke, a spokeswoman for the Orange County Fire Authority.

Luedtke said the fire, which grew to 22,000 acres Wednesday night, has entered the Cleveland National Forest. Fire officials predicted the flames would march into Riverside County within the next 24 hours.

Luedtke said the U.S. Forest Service was now part of the Orange County fire response, along with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Management.

Containment of the fire shrank from 50 percent Wednesday afternoon to 30 percent Wednesday night.

The flames are now racing in two directions: south to Williams Canyon and Hamilton Truck roads and northeast into the forest.

The Fire Authority also upped the numbers of homes destroyed from nine to 14, with eight more homes damaged by the fire.Luedtke blamed the spreading blaze on “changing wind patterns, critical fire weather, and problematic fuel and topographic conditions,” which she said accounted for the fires “rapid rate of spread.”Despite a slowdown in gusting Santa Ana winds on Wednesday, temperatures remained in the high 80s and humidity in the single-digits.

OCFA Batt. Chief Kris Concepcion said that even though winds had died down, they tended to be more erratic in canyon areas, pushing the flames forward.

The Fire Authority reported that the number of personnel on the ground grew dramatically Wednesday, from 600 to 1,060.

Concepcion said resources were slowly arriving from around the state, “but we could always use more.”

The number of air support craft remained the same: four helicopters and four tankers.

Luedtke said “continued air support will be critical,” in fighting the fire.

The fire’s growth underscored how hard it has been for firefighters to get a handle on a fire drama that is being played out in some of Orange County’s most difficult terrain. Steep canyons, few roads and limited air support have forced firefighters to tread a cautious perimeter around the flames.

“It’s tough terrain,” said Concepcion. “It’s moving into areas that are more inaccessible.

”With limited air support, firefighters are forced to hike in on foot and be more cautious in plotting an escape route.

He said that the drop in containment, “while a little discouraging,” was not unusual.

“It’s not atypical in wildfires of this magnitude for containment to go up and down,” Concepcion said.

With its entry in the Cleveland National Forest, the fire was now a “campaign fire,” Concepcion said.

“It’s a long-term fire,” he said. “Based on the numbers we’re going to be here the rest of the week.

Even then, “It’s going to take us a while to mop it up and be very sure we got it all.”

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Santiago FIRE - UPDATE

Here’s the latest news on the Santiago FIRE.

As of today, the fire is contained about 50%. However, some 2,000 homes are still evacuated in the canyons, as the fire still is a grave threat.

I am reporting that we still have flames sweeping into the Hamilton Oaks gated community in Trabuco Canyon. The good news is that our Firefighters drew protective lines around the houses, and now those lines appear to be holding.

Orange County Fire Authority Capt. Stephen Miller announced today that a $70,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for starting the Santiago Fire. Capt. Miller urged tipsters to contact the OCFA’s arson tip line at 1-800-540-8282. Today I heard Walt Disney Co. will giving $2million for fire relief efforts, starting with a $200,000 donation to the American Red Cross for immediate disaster relief. The rest of the money will be used for future recovery efforts.

Remember you can count on The Register for the latest updates on the fire. Also, check out Dissent the Blog for updates from locals on the ground, as well as some ly terrifying photos of the fire.

Please remember to keep our fantastic California Firefighters and evacuees in your thoughts and prayers. They are all going through so some terrible times right now.

Orange County Red Cross

Orange County Red Cross - (714) 481-5300
People trying to locate evacuated family members can register and search the Red Cross "Safe and Well" list at or by calling (866) GET-INFO.
Relief Centers for So-Cal Fire Victims
This just came over from the Governor's Office with information on local centers for fire victims:


Continuing his efforts to provide immediate assistance to displaced Californians affected by the southern California wildfires, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the opening of 5 local assistance centers in coordination with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services and local governments.

"The devastation and loss of life from these wildfires has been horrific, but the people of California are going to rebuild and we must do all we can to help these communities recover," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "That is why I am directing my Office of Emergency Services to work closely with local officials to open up local assistance centers for fire victims in the affected areas."

"I extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the firefighters who courageously continue to battle these wildfires and put their lives on the line every day. You are true heroes."

The local assistance centers will serve as efficient one-stop sources for disaster relief services including information on how to replace records lost in the fires, file insurance claims and apply for assistance and housing.

Additionally today, President Bush approved the Governor's request for a Major Disaster Declaration in California. The declaration will assist fire victims with resources like grants and temporary housing, disaster unemployment assistance and low interest loans for businesses.

"This is just the beginning of our recovery efforts and we will not rest until everyone's life is back to normal in southern California," Governor Schwarzenegger said.

Three local assistance centers will open tomorrow and two additional centers will open on Friday. The hours of operation for the centers are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Rancho Bernardo-Glassman Recreation Center in San Diego will have extended hours Monday through Friday and will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Additional centers will be opened in the region as needed.

Below are the locations of the local assistance centers that will open tomorrow morning:

Rancho Bernardo-Glassman Recreation Center
18448 W. Bernardo Drive
San Diego, CA 92127

Ramona Community School
1710 Montecito Road
Ramona, CA 92065

Fallbrook Community Center
341 Heald Lane
Fallbrook, CA 92028

Below are the locations of the local assistance centers that will open Friday morning:

Rancho San Diego-Cuyamaca College
900 Rancho San Diego Parkway
El Cajon, CA 92109

Castaic Regional Sports Complex
31230 N. Castaic Road
Castaic, CA 91384

The Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Employment Development Department, Contractors State License Board, Department of Insurance, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Public Health, Department of Social Services and other state and local agencies will be represented at the local assistance centers.

Fire Fighter Tribute

I found this video on YouTube and it is a Tribute to the California Fire Fighters.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Stop and smell the Roses

We've just returned from a spectacular 6 day get away with our family from the Midwest. Our family arrived to Las Vegas. We had a fabulous time with our 83 year old Grandmama. Las Vegas is a place to have a chance to gamble, have fun, laugh, and see the Tony Bennett show. His performance was awesome! If Tony Bennett ever gives a performance in your neighborhood you must see him. You will not be dissapointed!

We all must stop and smell the roses because life is about having fun, laughing, and spending time with our grandmama's! :)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Audrey Hepburn believed that,

"Every child has the right to health, to tenderness, to life."
I guess the 2 parties will never get anything done!

The war for oil is a high priority for the Republicans than health insurance for our American children.

Health deal sought after veto upheld
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent;_ylt=AtFI.KCsYX7Mq8tPV3E6fWcL1vAI

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Verizon Phone and Best Friends

Today is a beautiful Sunday in Sunny Southern California. I had a wonderful weekend with my husband. Also, my son came over and we had a litlle time to bond and talk about life. It was great!

I was thinking about my best friend. Let me tell you, the day we met, it was friendship at first sight. The day we met, I knew I found a friend. Not just a friend, but a best friend. I do pray that our friendship will never end.

Her smile and sweetness kept me going when I had days that were dark as night. My friend never judged me. She understood my sorrow. She always gave me hope for a better tomorrow. She is always there for me. I do know that I can count on her for anything. She always gives me advice and encouragement whenever I did not know what to do.

We worked together and she helped me learn to keep moving forward. She always said that I can do anything. That is if I put my mind to it, and suddenly I knew I could.

At times my friend and I do not see eye to eye on certain subjects but we respect each others thoughts and beliefs. Believe me, there were days when both of us cried but we never lost our friendship. But even so, we made it through, and our friendship has not yet died.

What is truly amazing about our friendship is that circumstances never pulled us apart. We are separated by many miles apart. Can you believe we talk everyday. Thank you my friend for the beautiful
Verizon phone. If it was not for the Verizon phone family plan, our phone bill would be $10,000.00 a month.

This wonderful friendship we share is so precious to me that I pray it grows and flourishes and lasts into infinity. You are so special to me and I must tell you, that you are my one true friend and Guardian Angel.

Our friendship is one-in-a-million. So let’s hold on to it and each other, because we can not let this friendship fly away for there will never be another.

Thank you my friend, I found my best friend. I love you and I will always love you.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Podcasters are fair and balanced?

I have been in the corporate professional arena for about 26 years and have been to many wonderful Expos.

I listen to a few professional
podcasts and let me tell you they are great! I love this new media!!!

I have returned from the
New Media Expo and I am re-evaluating the event. My experience was not a good one. The New Media Expo organization has great intentions and I am not blaming them for my terrible experience. They are a great organization and they have a professional business podcast.

Yes, I am an outsider and I am very frustrated with Podcasters that have a nonchalant attitude toward others.

Here is my evaluation; basically several Podcasters that I did meet do not have any self assuredness. I feel that alot of the individuals that attended this Expo are truly an unprofessional group of people. By speaking to several Podcasters and listening to a few keynotes, I could see that they have not worked for any
Fortune 100 corporations.

My analogy is Podcasters do not know what it means to be on a team or belonging to a professional organization. I understand Podcasters are independent or podcasting could be a hobby.

My frustrations are, Podcasters are not balanced, very green, not polished, no class, bad etiquette, poor hygiene, not fair, and they wear cloths that look like it came out of a dirty laundry basket. Oh, I also forgot to mention they also like to talk about themselves or talk about others even if you are in the same room. Podcasters may be a creative group of people, but they do not have self assuredness. Basically, they are amateurs trying to be a professional. Next year, I hope I see more professional podcasters taking over the amateurs.

Wake up Podcasters and stop sleeping behind that microphone of yours; you could make a great impact in this field.....that is if you are able to clean up well.

Podcasters, Do you know where you are? Do you know who you are? I guess you need that
Twitter to remind you where you are at and who you are.

If you are Podcasting for a profession or it is your hobby, remember you are representing your profession or hobby.

Podcasters, Wake up and polish yourself up or snooze you lose.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Leaves in my Southern California come in only 3 shades - green, burnt yellow, and brown.

Yes, we do have leaves that change in color. But they only come in 3 shades - green, burnt yellow, and brown.

Southern California is not like most places. We don't have snow. The only place that has snow is at our local mountains. So if you want snow, take a drive up to the mountains and you shall have snow.

So how do many Southern California residents mark the changing of the seasons in a place that only comes in two temperatures, hot and cooler? By the marine fog that rolls in from the beautiful Pacific Ocean. If you are out here visiting during the fall, remember, there's no need for a thermometer here in Southern California.

The weather has been so beautiful that we have had a few light showers but it is clear fall has really arrived in Southern California. It is a welcome relief from the heat of summer, if you ask me! This is my favorite time of year, with the changing leaves and chill to the mornings, it's a great way to move into the season! What's your favorite season here in Southern California?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

About me....

I am in the Entrepreneurial Activity mode and it is in Full Speed Ahead! We have the right to create our own unique visions. And that is why I am here with a vision.

I have a 26-year-old son and a 21 year old nephew. My Son and nephew is my pride and joy in life. We have a very strong bond that is exemplified by our love and laughter, a deep mutual respect, good communication, and a great understanding for one another.

I am married to a wonderful man. What totally impressed me about my husband is his love for me and self-assuredness. Having that, has gotten him where he wants to be. He is my partner, soul mate, husband for life. He knows most of the answers and he makes me feel much loved, safe, and cared for. He is a man that is open, honest, highly respects me and others. That to me is a total turn on. He enjoys life and has an overall positive outlook. He loves to laugh and have fun. Being loved, having self - assuredness , and appreciatiing the little things in life that count in a relationship!

I love to have fun and keep an open mind to things in general. My interests include working out, traveling, jets, culture, plays, theater, motorcycles, the arts, music, or spending quality time at home with my self-assuredness husband!

My profession is that I am an Entrepreneur. My mode is in Entrepreneurial Activity and it's Full Speed Ahead! I have a passion for my career...It is very challenging, always changing and highly exciting.

For all the single men out in the world wondering why you are single remember this, you may be at the top of the corporate ladder, Podcaster, Janitor, Pilot, Gardner, Rock Star, the President of your condo board, Farmer, Entrepreneur, Custodian, Board Member, Mechanic, CEO, or the most sought-after when your friends need advice. But, do you have self-assuredness?

Hold Fast

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die life is a broken winged bird that can not fly.
Author: ~ Langston Hughes

My favorite poem since I was 12 years old.

Meaning of Extreme Delight


This word to me means:

1) Exterus being on the outside
2) Existing in a very high degree
3) Going to great or exaggerated lengths
4) Exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected
5) Situated at the farthest possible point from a center
6) Most advanced or thoroughgoing
7) Relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk


This word to me means:

1) A high degree of gratification joy, extreme satisfaction
2) Something that gives great pleasure
3) The power of affording pleasure

Who knows what I will post on my blog but I do know one thing it will be extremely delightful to read!